Sales reserved for professionals.
BLACKGLUE 01 is a fast-curing, two-components polyurethane adhesive specially formulated for bonding anchors and repairing a wide range of materials used in orthopedics (metal, plastics, composites, wood, foams…). It is a strong structural adhesive resistant to elevated temperatures, moisture, most solvents, and chemicals and that can be quickly sanded.
Easy to use thanks to its specific rheology, this product has a perfect working time to fix any parts together while keeping a high productivity.
• Easy and very fast sanding (after 3 minutes)
• Thixotropic, does not drip, allowing vertical application
• No shrinkage
• Suitable for most plastics
• Good impact resistance
• Non-CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic)*
Additional information
- Ratio
- Recommended operating temprature
18 to 30
- Working time at 23°
- Sand time at 23°
- Weight loading
- Packaging
Data sheet